Single Ply Roof Installation

single ply roof installation

Your Single Ply Roof Installation Awaits

Because single-ply roofs are so ubiquitous, it’s important to have a wide range of roofing solutions. Each building is slightly different and will have different needs. Single-ply roofs are differentiated from other roofing materials in that they have fewer seams than asphaltic rolled roof systems and don’t need dangerous torches or hot asphalt for installation. Prefabricated detailing accessories make the process of installing these roofs straightforward. If you have a different roofing material and you would like to switch to a single-ply roof, the best way to move forward is to schedule a consultation with our team at 432-522-1117. We are the local experts when it comes to a single-ply roof installation in Midland, TX. 

Contact Us for Single Ply Roof Repair

Does your single-ply roof need repairs? One of the most common problems with single-ply roofs is seam failures. Over time, single-ply membranes have the ability to shrink and become brittle. In such cases, they lose elasticity. With additional stress on the membrane’s seams, the roof can experience small and then eventually larger roof failures. If you have any questions or concerns about your existing single-ply roof, it’s important to get in touch with us today. The sooner you get your roof investigated, the sooner you can have access to our capable roofing crew. We can give you a proper report on the current condition of your roof and chart a pathway forward for repairs.

Are You Experiencing Roof Storm Damage?

While it is true that preventative roof maintenance is key, so is handling roof storm damage. An annual roofing inspection will address any problems that happen as a result of regular wear and tear. But when storms roll through your area, the impact of rain and moisture on a roof may trigger unforeseen problems. One of the things you need to be careful of with single-ply roofs is roof traffic. If your roof is walked on with any level of frequency, there may be small impact marks that eventually get bigger.

Your Roof Replacement is Safe With Us

Whether your roof is ten, twenty, or thirty years old, depending on the number of roof repairs that are necessary, your roof may need to be replaced. If your roof is exhibiting leaks, and cracked seams, and isn’t performing to specifications, you may either need a roof restoration or a roof replacement. In either case, you’ll want to utilize the roofing experience of our team at Hartman Roofing. We handle all sorts of roofing repairs and we’d be happy to get started on your roof. With any kind of roofing repair, the best outcome is a solid roof that is durable, cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly. Depending on the existing roof, we can make that happen.

If you would like to start the process for your single-ply roof installation in Midland, TX, our capable team is ready to help! Feel free to reach out to us at 432-522-1117.